Thursday, February 27, 2020

Occupational Safety and Health as a profession Essay - 1

Occupational Safety and Health as a profession - Essay Example Occupational and environmental health and safety nurses, safety professionals, industrials hygienists, occupational health psychologists and occupational medicine physicians, are some of the occupational health and safety professionals. Other professionals that form a wider team of occupational safety and health multidisciplinary include toxicologists, human resource specialists, ergonomists, industrial or organizational psychologists and epidemiologists. These professionals have been accredited through certain specific procedures to practice occupational safety and health profession or offer services under occupational safety and health sector in accordance with the Regulation Act. Currently, there are no standards specific for occupational safety and health professionals. Work safety in almost all areas of the economy was worsened by the economic boom and the associated turnover in the labor that took place during the World War II (Fairris 187-203). However, as long-term forces reasserted themselves after 1945, accident declined again. In addition, nearly all powerful labor unions, after the World War II, played an increasingly fundamental role in safety at workplace. There were also increasing injury rates that were brought about by the economic expansion during the 1960s. It is important to note that OSHA took pre-eminence once the Massachusetts as a state began the inspections of factories, after the industrial revolution. Laws were put in place to safeguard the state workers and ensure their safety in 1913, thus, they were ratified in the constitution. This implies that the employers were responsible for the injuries accrued by their employees during working hours. In subsequent years, in 1969, the Department of Mines and Minerals was effected to cover the employees a year before the whole industry was covered by the OSHA act. Due to this increase and the increasing political pressures, the Congress, in 1970, was forced

Monday, February 10, 2020

Summary response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary response paper - Essay Example The result is that the general southern populations eat unhealthy foods in a region that is still much agriculturally productive; large scale production and technology have taken over agriculture and the produce is exported elsewhere since it is now a luxury to the poor southerners. Hence, the rich eat healthy and get thinner while the poor eat unhealthy meals and become obese. I contend that Sabin raises a critical observation and that mass production of fresh foods for export may be killing the ability of the poor to access these foods forcing them to eat fast foods. I have found it cheaper to visit fast food stores than make a purchase at gourmet eating places which are now the reserve of the high-end markets. I however would argue that the activities of large scale producers should not hinder organic farmers; a policy of not competing with them would be important. If all small scale farmers practiced their traditional production, there would still be enough fresh produce for the local markets. Stanley articulates the issue of our uncontrolled consumerism and disregard for the plants and animals and even the earth in our efforts to satisfy our guts. He argues that the production process is concealed from the market to civilize the same form of savagery practiced in the jungle. We really are just as bad as wild animals; â€Å"†¦Man is such a hypocrite: I often watched these documentaries in fascinated horror while casually chomping a chicken breast sandwich on my couch†. The production process remains hidden from the consumer with the packaging and marketing concealing the cruel sourcing (112). Stanley argues that it is quite difficult for someone raised on meat to transform into a vegetarian and states that we should mind how we treat the living sources of food to compensate for our dependence on them (115). The ignorance of the